Week 2: 30 Days Wild

Now I’ve caught up here’s the next installment of our #30dayswild with the Wildlife Trusts.

Day 9: Feel the wild beneath your feet

Day 10: pick up litter

We got stuck into the village burn and embraced the #babipurbeachclean – any excuse for Oren to get his feet wet and he was well up for it!

We filled a bag full of rubbish from the bed of the burn and disposed/recycled it safely. We were alarmed to find a lot of glass and a huge array of different plastics.

We’ve cheated slightly and done two in one here! Thanks to the boys having better social lives than I’ll ever have we had a day filled with parties and no chance to get outside!

Day 11: Read a wild book

We read our favourites; Bee and Tree by Britta Teckentrup. Her books are beautiful and the illustrations are magical. They don’t just rhyme they tell you real facts about the seasons and nature. We love them.

Day 12: Keep a note of Wildlife

We’re getting a bit obsessed with bees at the moment and the boys came with bee spotters guides courtesy of school and our kitchen seems to be a hot spot for bee activity. We kept track of the different beasties that came in via the kitchen window and tried to work out which bee was which!

Day 13: Find a creepy crawly!

We found bees on our picnic at Sport’s Day! We weren’t entirely sure which bee but we think it was a chocolate mining bee or an ashy mining bee. Either way it kept us entertained!

Day 14: a picnic in the wild

Our boys are really lucky in that the school they go to is adjacent to a little wood. They’re encouraged to climb trees and build dens which is just brilliant! When I go to collect them Oren is often upside down hanging off a tree branch.

It was their Sport’s Day this week and all the parents/careers were invited to attend and make an afternoon of it and bring a picnic!

We tied this entry in with the #plasticfreechallenge and took a zero waste plastic free lunch with us. Plenty of reusables all available from Babipur. We had a lovely afternoon. Well until it rained…

Day 15: search for mini wildness

We found some hidden snails in an old scaffolding pole in the garden! Oren was totally fascinated. We counted 6 the first time we saw it but some had left when we came back with the camera!

Day 16: design a wild home

We all went to Camperdown wildlife centre last month and the boys absolutely loved the bug hotel they had. It’s amazing!! After our raspberries have finished this summer we’re going to repurpose some of the bamboo canes and try and recreate it on a smaller scale!

Day 17: listen for wild sounds

Our house is called The Rookery and it is well named. There are 3 large trees adjacent filled with Rooks that make a genuinely astounding set of noises morning, noon and night! The morning is when they’re most active and we were in the car when Loki turned the radio off so he could listen! He tried mimicking the birds which lead to much hilarity!

Despite a brief hospital stay we’ve still really enjoyed this challenge and we’re making the most and embracing getting outside and exploring all it has to offer!

Please leave a comment below if you’re still joining in!


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