Top 10 Reusable Swaps of 2018

I’m holding the BBC show Blue Planet 2 directly responsible for the push to make some of these changes! I really should have called this post “The Blue Planet Effect!”

The facts about plastics in our oceans make for horrifying reading at the moment and if we want to make a difference then we all need to make some changes to help.

In no particular order;

1. Cloth nappies

Real Nappy Week wasn’t that long ago and my social media feeds are still full of fluffy bums and excited posts filled with enthusiasm from folk using cloth nappies for the first time. It is so much easier than you think and this year has been amazing to see so many giving cloth a go!

There is a huge range available here at Babipur; suitable for every budget too!

Natural fibres and materials are much more environmentally friendly than single use disposables.

2. Reusable menstrual products  

This one is slightly gender specific but again so much easier than people think. Muff fluff is the future ladies. No more morning Brazilians – need I say more!?!

Huge range available at Babipur or you can get custom shapes and absorbencies from some fab WAHMs.

3. Plastic free cotton buds

Cotton buds/swabs always used to be made from paper and I always thought it was such an odd switch when they changed to plastic. Thankfully that iconic sea horse image is changing things for the better and there are lots of none plastic options available. I like the Organyc plastic free buds. We use them for arts and crafts too!

4. Bamboo toothbrushes

The thought of all the toothbrushes we’ve ever used in our house washing up on some beach is genuinely mortifying. In a beautiful contrast I love the fact I can bury bamboo ones in my back garden!

We’re currently loving the Hydrophil Bamboo toothbrushes.

5. Solid Shampoo/Conditioner bars

I’ve used solid shampoo/conditioner bars for over a decade. They are so easy to use and perfect for travelling. My hair is all the better for it too. It’s really nice to see so many more options available nowadays.

My new favourite is the Lamazuna Orange Solid Shampoo from Babipur.

6. Reusable bags

Before I became a parent I was always guilty of using a plastic bag for wet swimming stuff, dirty boots in the car, never took bags shopping with me.

So. Much. Waste.

Now I have an array of wet bags, tote bags, large canvas shopping bags, washable laundry bags in every shape and size and I use them ALL the time. They are the handiest things we own. The fact they are machine washable and can be reused over and over is a no brainer. The prints are also much prettier than a scruffy plastic bag!

7. Reusable Bottles

Over the past two years I’ve bought a reusable bottle every couple of months. They are brilliant, we all have at least one each now and tumblers too. We started off with insulated ones for hot and cold and they were a game changer. I regularly buy these as gifts now. No takeaway coffee cups and plastic bottles will find their way into the oceans via us!

We have a slight Klean Kanteen obsession as you can see…

8. Reusable straws

The amount of straws our planet produces, uses once and throws away daily is utterly abhorrent. There is no need. There are plenty of reusable or compostable straws available. This is such an easy change to make. Again a handy wet bag is easy enough to transport them out and about!

Klean Kanteen do a fab set with different colours and soft silicone tips. You can wash them in the dishwasher too so they couldn’t be easier to keep clean!

9. Cloth Wipes

These aren’t for everyone but are so easy to use if you give them a go. We’re slowly replacing our kitchen towel at the moment. We already use cloth wipes for nappy changes and hands and faces around the house. Saves us a fortune on baby wipes that don’t break down and end up in the ocean and ultimately our eco system.

You can get loads of shapes and sizes and have them custom made if you prefer in any print you can think of. We love bamboo ones from Close Parent and WAHM ones are topping up our stash now too!

10. Wax wraps

I’ve just made some DIY soy wax wraps which are working out really well. You can find my blog post on how to make them here.

We use them for covering milk bottles, vegetables, cheese and any snack we take out with us. They’re easily to use and a firm press keeps them sealed and your produce fresh for when you need it next! They’re a fab swap for clingfilm!

If handmade isn’t your thing, there are some fab ready made ones available like Abeego.

There are loads more swaps you can make too this list isn’t exhaustive. I would urge you all to try and make a new change this month!

Most of the links in here go to Babipur – the code BUDDY will get you 10% off most of their products!



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